Sunday, March 28, 2010

Text Production Essay Draft 2

Global warming is a phenomenon where the whole average temperature of earth’s surface air and ocean is increasing and now the average temperature of the world has achieved 33oC. (Al Gore 2007) The chief culprit, very sarcastic and indubitable is human kind. Rapid industrialisation has boosted up the carbon dioxide emission level that intensifies the green house effect. (Al Gore 2007) This anthropogenic activity has caused the global warming that summons destructive climate change to the earth and cause many impacts on Earth.

The most significant impact brought by the global warming is climate change. During the year of 2003, estimated 35000 were killed in Europe due to massive heat wave and the highest temperature achieved in India was 50oC. (Al Gore 2007) In the same time, heat wave also causes more frequent and destructive windstorm and hurricane to happen and first ever hurricane strike Brazil. Moreover, Katrina happen in Florida had cost the lost of billions. (Al Gore 2007) Climate change will also alter the suitability for food plantation in certain area. As a consequence, the people in the poor country like Africa will have to suffer from starvation as drought is predicted to happen. (Chris Woodford 2006)

Sea-level rise is one of the major impacts of global warming. The global warning causes the oceans warm up and expands making sea level to rise. More than that, the melting of glaciers and ice sheets in North Pole and South Pole will also contribute to the rise. This cause the low lying countries to be flooded with water, making billion of people to be homeless. (Chris Woodford 2006). Greenland will take the fastest impact from global warming and predicted amount of 100-200 million will be homeless if entire Greenland meltdown. (Al Gore 2007)

Besides that, the climate change caused by the global warming also contributes to species extinction. Rapid change in climate causing the living thing cannot adapt such change in short term and finally meet their annihilation. Migratory birds will lose their breeding habitat and the ecosystem around the coral beef may also affected with the death of coral beef due to rising temperature, causing species relying on it to be vanished. To conclude this, around 30-40% of world species will extinct as a result of rapid climate change. (Chris Woodford 2006)

Apart from that, pests and diseases are predicted to spread much further during the global warming. Mosquitoes as vector breed faster in warmer climates, spreading infectious diseases like malaria and dengue to more people. (Chris Woodford 2006) More than that, many outbreak of other diseases will also happen such as SARS, Lyme Diseases, Legionaries and so on by others warm climate-favoured vectors. (Al Gore 2007)

In order to prevent this problem from getting worse, initiative and prompt action should be implemented immediately. This mainly relies on every individual and determination to prevent it is much needed. Some effectual ways are bicycling often instead of using car, using more efficient electronic appliances, switching to company providing green energy and etc. (Al Gore 2007)More than that, all the cities in the world should join the Kyoto Protocol together. With all these being implemented, at least the carbon emission level can turn to below the year of 1970 which is considered to be less harmful. (Al Gore 2007)

In a nutshell, global warming does pose a lot of problems to the Earth like massive heat wave, rising sea level, extinction of species and spread of infectious diseases. Human ourselves in the end will have to bear the cost of uncontrolled and profit-orientated rapid development. Hence, it is our responsibility to take prompt action to prevent this problem from getting worse that jeopardising all the living creatures on the surface of the earth the efforts from all community is much needed.


  1. Good effort! To improve the essay consider the following.

    Check this sentence: Global warming is a phenomenon where the whole average temperature of earth’s surface, air and ocean is increasing and now the average temperature of the world has achieved 33 celsius.

    Check the citation. Write the surname and the year without a comma. And for the film, write the name of the film and the year instead of the name of the main character.
